Herein lies the conundrum that every professional inevitably faces–how to provide the most useful and efficient project update possible in a fraction of the time you want.
Read MoreInevitably, during every presentation, meeting, conference call, or conversation, you get asked questions. Dozens of them. And each of those questions need an answer, an answer that is efficient, clear, and easily retained.
Below are a few of our tips to help you provide clear, succinct, and effective answers.
Read MoreConstructing a family recipe and building an effective presentation aren’t that different. They both start with an assembly of ingredients that are then carefully combined to produce the delicious result.
From our family to yours, here’s a recipe for a satisfying presentation your audience will love.
You’ve got your talking points, developed great strategic stories, written an outline, and built a PowerPoint to reinforce your key messages. Heck, you’ve even added a few speaker notes to your slides.
But, you’re not finished.
You need to rehearse.
Read MoreMegan is standing on a stage, in the middle of the most important presentation of her career, facing a sea of perplexed and unengaged faces.
Megan is an expert, and therein lies the problem.
Read MoreThere are communication solutions to make hybrid meetings more effective, engaging, and less frustrating. Rethinking how hybrid meetings run helps everyone, remote and in-person, have their voice heard.
Read MoreRight there on my TV was a critical lesson--that engaging an audience requires careful orchestration of what your audience hears and sees.
Read More“Like” has gotten a bad rap.
“Like” has become a pariah of the English language.
But don’t be too quick to entirely discard it from your vocabulary. It’s often the gateway to engaging and persuasive content.
While personal New Year’s resolutions are wonderful, consider adding a professional resolution, as well. And if you do, consider resolving to enhance your communication skills.
The recommendation has a chorus of support:
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