Posts in Speaker Soundbites
Start Strong. Finish Strong. Illustrate in the Middle.

You attend a TEDx event and easily remember the opening speaker and the concluding speaker.

You listen to a sales pitch and find yourself repeating the product attributes that the sales person discussed first and those that she mentioned last.

In all these cases, you are experiencing the “serial position effect.”

Converting these research findings into a real-world recipe for communication success means that you must:

  • start strong,

  • finish strong,

  • and illustrate in the middle.

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Leadership Communication

Articulating a vision = leadership.
Rallying support = leadership.
Steadying morale = leadership.
Acknowledging excellence = leadership.
Building and sustaining a business = it’s all leadership.
And while leaders have a long list of important attributes, one ability is central to all others—communication.

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